Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
May You Not Turn Away from Me, May You Comfort Me, May You Not Abandon Me
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on June 28, 2024

What is true for France is true for everyone.
My dear children, you who are the blessed of my heart,
Yes, you, My sinful children, often lost but of good will, you are the blessed of My Heart, I take you under My divine mantle and I want to protect you from the demons that have spread in hordes throughout the world.
The United States of America is corrupt, Western Europe has followed them and the world is divided. I am Jesus Christ and this is not how I wanted My creation of man, the one I had introduced into the earthly paradise and who should have extended My beautiful influence to the last corners of his earth.
The first two men [man and woman], the first union of a man and a woman, My first family, My first human creatures didn't want to respect My Commandments and today their descendants don't want to either! Just like your first parents, you have placed yourselves under the yoke of Lucifer and what do you want to happen? How does the devil act? You know this, but you pretend to ignore it because once again elections are approaching in France and who among the candidates defends My Law?
Let's review the Ten Commandments and see what it says:
1. Do people publicly worship Me, the one true God, and love Me perfectly?
2. Do they respect My holy Name, do they not swear easily, mention My Name with contempt and arrogance, going so far as to allow profanity in My holy churches?
3. Who still attends Mass every Sunday, without exception, with respect and devotion?
4. Who respects authority and who assumes it with kindness and justice?
5. Who respects their neighbor, giving them esteem and attention?
6. Isn't the devaluation of modesty and nudity a fact today?
7. Aren't theft and envy recurring acts and passions?
8. Aren't lies and gossip in the news every day?
9. Don't personal, medical and legal acts daily transgress the virtue of purity to such an extent that they become ways of life and a plagiarized transmission of life?
10. Doesn't the property of others become an element to be appropriated, even if only through taxes, exorbitant fees and other forms of trickery and subterfuge?
My children, your world has fallen so low, your elites are such great mirrors of their own deficiencies that we should expect nothing and hope nothing from them.
You know the divine laws and as long as you don't submit to them, you will sink deeper and deeper.
My dear children, pull yourselves together, return to the Catholic religion of your fathers and forefathers, it is your only salvation!
Go back and kneel before the Blessed Sacrament of the altar, go back and pray like the publican in the parable in the Gospel of Saint Luke, chapter 18, verses 9 to 14, acknowledge your mistakes, acknowledge your affronts and your disobedience, acknowledge the divine laws and obey them. Only then, yes, only then will you have governments subject to God and His laws, because they will be His emanation. Such a people, such leaders, yes, because they are in His image and likeness, are chosen from among you.
I let people destroy themselves because until they kneel before the One and Triune God, they will find neither peace, nor understanding, nor happiness.
Let them respect My laws, My wishes and My Commandments, and they will find order, cohesion and charity, and their governments will be respectful of God and their citizens. There is no secret: as God, as children of God; not as gods who are demons, administrators who are running towards their moral and material ruin.
My children, you have been warned, don't expect anything good from those who trample on My laws and imprison Me for nothing. I am God and I don't give My graces to those who don't ask for them from Me, who consider them useless, who don't even know them.
I hope that My children all over the world will read this message because what applies to France applies to everyone.
May God bless you, My dear ones, may you not turn away from Me, may you comfort Me, may you not abandon Me. I will protect you, love you and bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May it be so!